- Technologies are facilitating the emergence of an online labor economy popularly known as the ‘gig-economy’. The gig-economy is facilitating outsourcing and offshoring of jobs beyond the boundaries of corporate towers in the form of short-term, part-time contractual or freelance work arrangements.
- Primary forces causing a disruption in the job market:
- Globalization
- Adoption of exponential technologies
- Demographic changes
- Megatrends seriously affecting the job market:
- Rising middle class
- Creation of highly optimized supply chain
- Launch of smart connected products and services
- There are two key demographic changes that are occurring
- Growing middle class and millenial dominated workforce
- Aging population
These are not only a threat to human workforce replacement but also are changing the skills required. Additionally, these are a threat not only for manual labor but even cognitive and social jobs.

- In 2022
9% will be deployed to new jobs that don't exist today
37% will be deployed to jobs will highly changed skillset
54% will be deployed to jobs that fall in the unchanged category

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